Operating Model

We have a commercial sales forçe composed by more than 1,200 people ready to offer Caixa Seguradora’s products across Caixa Econômica Federal’s Branches. Throuth a business model based in a technologicaly enabled platform that makes use of updated data, this network is able to define strategies to empower the salesforce countrywide.

We rely in specialized sales and renewing consultants of property and casualties insurance. We work through call-centers and webchat on an infrastructure supported by the most updated technological resources that the industry can provide to our costumer services.

Besides that, through our digital platforms, our specialized backoffice is fit pronto suport our partners dedicated to the distribution of consortium contracts all over the country.

With recognized expertise in real state, among other special insurance products, we develop integrated and customised solutions to corporate clients in their unique projects and investments, ensuring the best service delivering with products fitted to their needs in those distinct operations, generating value to individuals and coporations.

Commercial Dynamics of Insurance Sales:

In our primary business environment, our products are divided into three categories: (i) bancassurance products; (ii) traditional products; and (iii) accumulation products. The distribution of each of those three sets of products are distinct.